Syria: for the Pentagon, Omar the Chechen is dead.


    "We believe he died of his injuries," told Monday AFP Captain Jeff Davis.

    The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (OSDH), an NGO that has a good network of informants in Syria, had said on Sunday that the jihadi leader was "clinically dead", breathing only with the using equipment in a hospital in the eastern province of Raqqa, stronghold of the ultra-radical group in northern Syria.

    It is always difficult for the coalition to confirm the death of the Islamic State group leaders targeted by airstrikes, unable to have reliable relays on the ground.

    When a US official announced on March 8 the attack on "Omar the Chechen ", he said the jihadi leader was "probably" dead. But this death was then challenged by Syrian sources, including the OSDH.

    Toufik Guettaa


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